Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wondering what we have been up to?

As you might have guessed, it is fall and we are in the middle of our fundraising efforts, accumulating the resources needed to present our upcoming 2010 Concert Season "Musical Voyages." Yes, that is correct, each year we generate these funds from scratch . . . through efforts made by real humans . . . and perhaps you have already heard from us in the mail. We would like to hear from you, too!

Indeed, we are old-fashioned enough to hand-address our letters to our supporters (yes, the dipping ink is for real, but no quills), and our board-members have been enjoying our mailing get-togethers over coffee and treats (bribes. . .). We hope to hear back from you, and if you would like to receive information about making a contribution, or simply be added to our events reminder email list, then please email me at scbaroque[a]

As a non-profit our only goal is to get people in the door to hear early music, and to educate our community about these instruments and their performance practice. Meanwhile, fundraising is hard work . . . and sadly enough, ticket sales only cover the artist fees themselves (roughly speaking). But there is also hall rental, staff time for planning and publicity, printing, insurances, . . . and the list goes on. We really need your help each year, and we are happy to see you at our concerts!

Here are some things you can do:

● Read WHY we think our organization is worth contributing to.

● Make a PLEDGE (printable form, payment can follow later).

● Become a SUBSCRIBER or even a VOLUNTEER usher.

● Sign up for our Events (E)Mail List by sending us your contact information (whichever format you prefer, email or mail).

Or just for starters: Come to our November 14, 2009 FALL ORGAN BENEFIT CONCERT and say HI.

One last idea: BRING A FRIEND ALONG.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Summer Greetings

Dear Baroque Festival Friends

Summer is coming to a close and we are gearing up for our fall planning and fundraising work.

Our 2010 season plans are now in place and will be premiered at our September 12 Donor Thank-You Luncheon (for donors who contributed $100 or more last year - contact us to be included if you intend to become a donor next season). Not attending? Let us know if you wish to receive our new 2010 brochure or season info email announcement following the luncheon (you know, Mozart aka Trazom liked reading backwards): moc.noomyab\a\euqorabcs

Our most recent event was the well-attended Boomeria Extravaganza in mid-July. Here are some pictures from that afternoon.

Going back one month further, for those of you who have not seen them yet, here is the picture gallery for Lux Musica's voyage to Washington, D.C. (Photos courtesy of Lars Johannesson).

More about baroque voyages is coming up really soon. . . .

Friday, June 26, 2009

Garden Tour 2009 PHOTOS!

Last month's 11th annual Music in the Gardens Tour was a great success. Here are some photos from Garden 3, in the Seabright area in Santa Cruz with mandolin and guitar music by Irene Herrmann and Paul Rangell (also known as The Seabright Serenaders. . .). Click on the photos below to view the complete gallery for this garden.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lux Musica at the Smithsonian this week!

SCBF's resident period-instrument ensemble, Lux Musica (Lars Johannesson, flute; David Wilson, violin; Linda Burman-Hall, harpsichord; Amy Brodo, viola da gamba) along with guitarist Mesut Özgen have been invited to perform a concert of their 2000 production "Cantemir: Music in Istanbul and Ottoman Europe around 1700" at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

This performance was originally staged together with Turkish musician Ihsan Özgen (kemençe, tanbur, co-director) on November 12, 2000 under the auspices of the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival, in co-production with Arts & Lectures, and the released on CD through Golden Horn records in 2004. The program presents some of the finest works of the Prince Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723) in the varied contexts of his cultural world -- a world which arises in the crossroads of Western and Eastern thought, in the collision of Europe with the Ottoman Empire, and at the junction of Byzantine culture with Islamic theology.

Cantemir was a royal Moldavian linguist-encyclopaedist-composer who through curious fate spent 22 years as a diplomatic guest of the Ottoman Court. But Cantemir clearly preferred music to politics, and was sufficiently gifted to play his way to fame as the greatest of classical Turkish musicians. Lux Musica performs Cantemir's Classical Ottoman compositions preceded by taksim preludes, a new improvisational genre in his time; and where appropriate modal relationships are explored in collective taksim improvisations as well, a contemporary experiment in preluding pioneered by Ihsan Özgen. In addition to Cantemir's compositions, the concert also includes traditional Moldavian tunes such as he might have heard back home at his wedding, and European alla Turca reflections of Ottoman music played in Baroque style.

Finally, works by Yalçin Tura and Lou Harrison show Cantemir's continuing impact on Eurasian composition and performance in our time. Linda Burman-Hall and Lux Musica look forward to reviving this unique production in Washington, D.C.

An article about this unique collaboration and Lux Musica's upcoming travel to the nation's capitol has appeared on the UC Santa Cruz News website:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Caterina Lichtenberg Interview at Mandolin Cafe

For those of you that attended either our Season Concert II: "The Natural Mandolin" or the preceding artist dinner with virtuoso mandolinist Caterina Lichtenberg, you might enjoy reading this article that was recently published on the Mandolin Cafe website. It is an interview with Ms. Lichtenberg by Bill Graham:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A few quick news updates from SCBF

(1) Dropping names. . . . An article has been published in the SC Sentinel on our recent Concert II fundraiser dinner. Follow this link to view it (and scroll down past the beauty pageant. . .):

(2) Our 11th annual Music in the Gardens Tour (fundraiser) is fast approaching, and our Garden Tour postcards have arrived. They are beautiful. If you would like to be on our mailing list, contact us, or if you would like to have some cards for distribution at choice locations, let us know as well. All of our ticket outlets sell GT tickets, and as of early May they will be available in select garden and music stores as well.

(Photo by Lars Johannesson, card design by Judy Foreman.)

(3) Our final season concert takes place on May 9. More information here:
A closing reception for donors and subscribers (Season & Flex Pass holders) follows the music.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Concert I photos!

We opened our 2009 season with Concert I, 'Musical Ecology' and here are some pictures taken at the event.

Concert photos (by Lars Johannesson Photography)
Von SCBF 2009 - Season Concert I

Instrument Exhibit photos
Von SCBF 2009 - Instrument Exhibit

Yes, we are adding some extra features to our season concerts. This year's Concert I goers were offered an early instrument exhibit during intermission, curated by Board Member and luthier Charles Sutton. Viols, lutes, flutes, and more were on display with explanatory descriptions. We plan to repeat this feature annually at our opening concert with some seasonally-inspired surprises in store.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Artist dinner with Caterina Lichtenberg, March 13

SCBF is hosting an exclusive artist dinner with Caterina Lichtenberg and her duet partner Mirko Schrader on Friday, March 13, 2009, preceding our Season Concert II (Saturday, March 14). Join us for dinner, desserts, and wine, as well as a musical interlude by our guests. Limited seating and advance reservations only ($50/person). This event is a fundraiser for the SCBF and a fabulous opportunity to get to know our international guest artist and mandolin virtuoso. For more information view the invitation and reservation form. RSVP by March 9.

Friday, January 16, 2009

HELP! Finances Update

Happy New Year to you! As several other arts organizations, SC Baroque Festival too is facing considerable funding shortages. Our annual budget has always been break-even, and we operate as cost-effectively as we can. But now we are facing a shortage of 10-15% of our budget with no equivalent amount of cuts that can be made without disrupting the season. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Our private donors have been remarkable this year (thank you) and thus I can present the following good news on private donations (contributions made by individuals):
  • 100% of our required (private) donation INCOME has been pledged/paid (Treasurer's favorite number :-)
  • 80% of our desired NUMBER of donors have pledged/paid (Artistic Director's favorite number :-)

BUT we have considerable shortfalls in foundation and corporate sponsorship income, as well as season booklet advertisements. HERE IS HOW YOU CAN HELP:

  • Individuals: If you CAN, please pledge or make a donation of any amount (payments can be sent later).
  • Private, Foundation & Corporate Sponsors: We seek 2 more concert sponsors ($1,000-$2,000).
  • Businesses: We seek 10 more advertisers for our season booklet.

For contributions that are to be acknowledged in our season booklet, as well as any advertisements, we need to hear from you by Friday, 01/23/09. To pledge your support, email us or call at 831-457-9693.