Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wondering what we have been up to?

As you might have guessed, it is fall and we are in the middle of our fundraising efforts, accumulating the resources needed to present our upcoming 2010 Concert Season "Musical Voyages." Yes, that is correct, each year we generate these funds from scratch . . . through efforts made by real humans . . . and perhaps you have already heard from us in the mail. We would like to hear from you, too!

Indeed, we are old-fashioned enough to hand-address our letters to our supporters (yes, the dipping ink is for real, but no quills), and our board-members have been enjoying our mailing get-togethers over coffee and treats (bribes. . .). We hope to hear back from you, and if you would like to receive information about making a contribution, or simply be added to our events reminder email list, then please email me at scbaroque[a]

As a non-profit our only goal is to get people in the door to hear early music, and to educate our community about these instruments and their performance practice. Meanwhile, fundraising is hard work . . . and sadly enough, ticket sales only cover the artist fees themselves (roughly speaking). But there is also hall rental, staff time for planning and publicity, printing, insurances, . . . and the list goes on. We really need your help each year, and we are happy to see you at our concerts!

Here are some things you can do:

● Read WHY we think our organization is worth contributing to.

● Make a PLEDGE (printable form, payment can follow later).

● Become a SUBSCRIBER or even a VOLUNTEER usher.

● Sign up for our Events (E)Mail List by sending us your contact information (whichever format you prefer, email or mail).

Or just for starters: Come to our November 14, 2009 FALL ORGAN BENEFIT CONCERT and say HI.

One last idea: BRING A FRIEND ALONG.

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