Thursday, March 18, 2010

Imaginary Intersections this Saturday: MORE INFO!

The SCBF is very much looking forward to this weekend's exciting and unusual concert production, "Imaginary Intersections: Raga & Raj." This premiere has resulted from over a year's worth of work and collaboration between Barry Phillips, Linda Burman-Hall and the Baroque Festival's resident ensemble Lux Musica. Here you can find various bits of information on the Raga & Raj project:

Event Poster
About the Program
Rehearsal Photos (Sunday, March 14)
Press Preview (SC Sentinal, March 18)
Press Info (more detail)

The performance will include the world premiere of Barry Phillips' imaginary musical exploration of Indian-Baroque crossovers, as well as selections of Indian and 18th-century European composers (inspired by Indian music), and finally a work by this and last century's Lou Harrison (d. 2003), known for his Southeast-Asian inspired compositions. Alone the sonic mix of Indian instruments with the softer and less-commonly heard, but timbrally instriguing historical Western instruments will be a journey worth engaging. We hope to see you there, and if you wish, do join us for a post-concert hangout at the Crepe Place (to be announced to the audience).

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